Sea Kayaking Training - Introduction in Calm Water - Level I FQCK (1 day)

With Guide
1 days
0 nights

Sea Kayaking Training in Calm Water

The level 1 sea kayaking training offered by the Fédération Québécoise du Canot et du Kayak (FQCK) is aimed at novice kayakers with no experience. Its objective is to provide participants with basic theoretical and practical knowledge so that they can practice the activity in calm waters (without tides and Zone 1) with a solo kayak.

  • Location: Water equipment rental center on the beach of Auberge des îles de Saint-Gédéon, 250, rang des îles, Saint-Gédéon (Québec) G0W 2P0

  • Duration: 8 hours

  • Level: Beginner

  • Prerequisites: Knowing how to swim and not being afraid of water

  • 2024 Schedule: To be announced

  • Available spots: Minimum of 3 participants and maximum of 6 participants

  • Cost: $132.00 taxes included, payable on-site in cash or by credit card (Visa or Mastercard), including a $40.00 administrative fee to the Fédération Québécoise du Canot et du Kayak. The training leads to a certificate: Sea Kayaking I from the FQCK

This price does not include the rental of the sea kayak. To rent a solo sea kayak for 8 hours, please make a reservation through our water equipment rental center at least 24 hours in advance.

    0 night / 1 day

    Informations générales

    Le formateur : Hugues Ouellet
    418-668-7381 418-480-7149
    Report de la formation ou changement de lieu
    En cas de conditions météorologiques non sécuritaires, il peut y avoir report de la formation à une
    date ultérieure ou un changement d’itinéraire. Si tel est le cas, vous serez contacté s par le
    responsable d’Équinox. Si vous ne pouvez participer à la date reportée, vous pourrez être remboursé
    telle que notre politique d’annulation et de report le stipule.
    Nous vous invitons à prendre connaissance du plan de cours Niveau 1 sur la site de la FQCK
    Book now
    Starting from 132,00 $

    Quantity (Min: 1 / Max: 2)


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